Research Institute of Food Technologies

Director of SRIFT

Iztayev Auyelbek

Doctor of technical sciences, professor Academian NASc RK

Phone.: 396-71-33 (ext. 125)


Research Institute of Food Technologies

The Research Institute of Food Technologies is a structural scientific unit of the university, part of the Science Department, which carries out fundamental and applied research on a wide range in the field of food and processing industries.

The main priority areas of scientific activity of the institute:

  • progressive innovative technologies for post-harvest processing, storage and processing of grains, legumes, oilseeds and the production of environmentally high-potential assortments of flour milling, cereal, feed, baking, pasta and confectionery products for therapeutic and preventive purposes;
  • intensification of technological processes in the food industry using laser technology;
  • biotechnology in food production, bioconversion of agricultural raw materials, processing and disposal of waste from agricultural enterprises into food and feed products;
  • development of new types of therapeutic, preventive and functional food products;
  • nanosystems in the production of biomaterials and food products;
  • quality and safety of food products.

The Research Institute of PT includes 2 research laboratories (SRL):

  • Problematic research laboratory on the creation of new generation food products;
  • Research Laboratory of Food and Processing Technologies.


“Problematic scientific-research laboratory for the creation of new generation food products” is a structural subdivision of the Scientific Research Institute of Food Technologies JSC “ATU”, leading scientific fundamental and applied research in the field of increasing the nutritional and biological value of bread products, the development of technologies for grain types of bread and others products based on plant raw materials (legumes and oilseeds, various medicinal plants, vegetables, fruits, etc.) of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

The main scientific directions of the laboratory:

  • development of “cold” technologies for food products of a new generation, the so-called “live” food based on germinated grains;
  • development of resource-saving technologies for processing grain and other agricultural crops, including non-traditional raw materials rich in fiber (dietary fiber);
  • development of new types of functional food products;
  • development of new types of grain bread and bakery products.
  • commercialization of the production of grain mixtures for the enrichment of bread products.




The «Scientific-research laboratory of technologies for food and processing industries» carries out fundamental and applied scientific research, the development of science-intensive projects in the interests of developing the economy and ensuring food and food security of the country, the introduction of modern innovative technologies that ensure high safety of raw materials to create a new range of food products that meet environmental food safety requirements. The laboratory implements a large scientific direction on the development and implementation of ion-zone technology for processing, storing and processing grain in the field of electromagnetic cavitation at elevators and grain processing enterprises.

The main scientific direction of the laboratory:

  • development of modes of ionic, ozone and ionozone processing of food raw materials and products, devices for electromagnetic and electric frequency effects, devices for enriching air with oxygen, cavitation installations, as well as technological equipment for them, depending on the purpose and performance;
  • organization of a research and production complex for the development, design and manufacture of apparatus and technological equipment, their introduction into production;
  • development of innovative technologies for the production of flour, cereal products, bread, pasta and confectionery products, animal feed.
  • nanotechnology and nanomaterials in agriculture (crop production, livestock, poultry, fish farming and other production sectors);
  • nanotechnology and nanomaterials in the food and processing industry (enrichment of food with biogenic nanoparticles of microelements, creation of new products based on secondary raw materials for food and processing industries using nanoparticles of microelements);
  • nanotechnology and nanomaterials for mechanical engineering of the agro-industrial complex.
  • organizing and conducting research and prospecting work on the processing of low-value plant raw materials and crop waste, animal husbandry, poultry farming into feed of increased nutritional value and other types of products for animals, birds, fish and plants;
  • development and implementation of biotechnology for processing low-value plant raw materials and secondary resources of processing industries into protein monofood, increasing the profitability and competitiveness of pig breeding and other branches of animal husbandry.

The main achievements of the laboratory:

  • scientific and technical documentation and a project of a mini-workshop with a capacity of 1 t / h for pond and other types of farms, peasant farms have been developed;
  • technological regulations for biotechnology and a project for a workshop for processing secondary raw materials of food production of various capacities for implementation in the agro-industrial complex and food industry were developed;
  • contacts have been established with leading universities in Russia to create the foundations and implement nanotechnology in the agro-industrial complex, food and textile industries in Kazakhstan.



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